Betamax Dub Machine - The Hacker
The third part occurs several centuries after this, with a hacker named Eiji Takanaka, who is scouted by a rebel group working against the teachings of a mysterious spiritual leader known as Bishop Won Dai. Sion, a high-ranking member of the rebel group, who work under the aegis of Orange Amusements, begins scouting Eiji, while also investigating a strange program called Project Heaven that the E=X Bureau, Won Dai's elite staff, are preparing.Sion manages to confront Eiji as Orange attempt to stop whatever Project Heaven is, and, badly wounded, instructs Eiji to go to the lowest point in the city, finding the real, centuries-old, Eve Tokimatsuri, who was left in suspended animation, meant to be awoken by Shogo Yahagi.She takes him to Bahamut, meeting the AI version of Eve from the previous two parts, while Sion manages to stop Orange from making the same mistake as several centuries before, using it to broadcast the E=X's master plan.In the end, Eiji and Eve confront Won Dai, and he is slain, revealing he is actually Shogo Yahagi as he dies. Eve heads to the ADAM moonbase to shut down and destroy it, while also taking out the city's computer, finally beginning the final part of the plan enacted around a millennia before, while Eiji heads off to meet with his girlfriend Ryo to begin his life anew.
Betamax Dub Machine - The Hacker
The series focuses on the misadventures of a ragtag group of five struggling to make a living as bounty hunters in the space-age frontier: Jet Black, a former police officer and owner of the spaceship Bebop; his partner Spike Spiegel, a martial artist on the run from a bloody past; Femme Fatale and Con Artist Faye Valentine, who is both more and somehow less than she appears; demented teen genius hacker girl Edward Wong Hau Pepelu "Ed" Tivrusky IV; and Ein, a genetically-engineered Welsh Corgi "data dog". The Bebop's crew faces dangerous criminals, occasional starvation, their own Dark and Troubled Pasts, and a particularly disgusting refrigerator over the course of the series. Searching for high payout bounties or stumbling across criminal conspiracies, their adventures span any given planet or moon and the culture that has developed from it.
Villain of Another Story: The Van of the Red Dragon syndicate are the overlords of one of the worst crime syndicates in the solar system, but they never directly threaten the main characters and frankly seem apathetic to their existence for nearly the entire series. Only after Vicious makes his move to assassinate and oust them do they send agents after Spike in a belated effort to tie up loose ends.
Villainous Breakdown: Tongpu has one when Spike finally defeats him.
Dr. Londes has one as well when he realizes he's failed to convert Spike to his cult.
"Wanted!" Poster: Criminals with bounties on their heads are often advertised on the TV show Big Shot. In order to get the Woolongs, they must be taken alive. Otherwise, the bounty is cancelled.
Watching the Sunset: Jet seems prone to doing this.
Weaksauce Weakness: Tongpu is a psychotic, unstoppable, bulletproof Psychopathic Manchild. He has exactly two weaknesses, both psychological: A pathological fear of cats due to the experiments that he was subjected to, and feeling pain, induced in this case by Spike hurling a knife (a projectile too slow to be stopped by Pierrot's experimental shield) into his thigh.
Weapon Specialization: The show likes its guns. Spike is seen using a variety of weapons across the series, but his one constant (other than his Jeet Kune Do skills) is his customized Jericho 941. Jet and Faye, similarly, are almost exclusively armed with their one gun each (respectively a P99 and a Glock 30).
Faye also seems to have a thing for automatic weapons: she's introduced pulling a submachine gun out of a paper bag, and her tiny ship is armed with dual gatling guns.
Jet's old partner Fad favors his trusty revolver.
Udai Taxim and Vincent Volaju like their knives.
A Blood Knight who refuses to leave his war behind, Vicious wields a katana... and a lot of strategically-placed high explosives.
Well-Intentioned Extremist: Both Teddy Bomber and The Space Warriors, the latter of which are the remaining radicalized members of an ecological protest movement killing people over an endangered rat.
What a Piece of Junk: The general reaction to the Bebop.
What Are Records?: In "Speak Like a Child," Spike and Jet find a Betamax tape addressed to Faye and don't have a clue what it is at first. They spend a good deal of time looking for a suitable videocassette player, only to find out that a Betamax tape won't play in a VHS VCR.
What Happened to the Mouse?: The ending of the series leaves quite a few things unresolved, such as the ultimate fate of Jet and Faye and Spike.
In addition, MPU was never heard from again after "Jamming with Edward".
When Things Spin, Science Happens: The Bebop (and other ships) has a rotating section which, in a case of Shown Their Work, is probably a gravity generator of some kind.
Whole-Plot Reference: "Toys in the Attic" is basically a Lighter and Softer spoof of Alien, right down to the flamethrowers and Thrown Out the Airlock scene.
Wholesome Crossdresser: Julius and friends on Callisto, as well as Gren briefly during the two-parter's finale.
Wild Mass Guessing: Many people believe that episode 11, "Toys in the Attic", was All Just a Dream because episode 12 immediately begins with Spike vaulting awake due to the insufferable humidity on the ship. There's no actual evidence or further mention to support it. During the episode preview for episode 12, Edward lampshaded that everyone had died except her in that episode, but then Faye quickly subverts it by protesting.
Word Salad Lyrics: "Ask DNA" at times.
"Live In Baghdad" from the episode "Heavy Metal Queen" has lyrics that sound like they were written by Homsar.
Worthless Yellow Rocks: Several times the crew end up in possession of something that has immense value as a MacGuffin, but only to a handful of people and they are either arrested by the end, more likely to kill them than give them a fair exchange price or the crew is not privy to its exact value. This includes Ein, a "data dog" (never explained what that means, only that Ein does appear unusually intelligent) and a poker chip with valuable computer information, which they use as a normal chip at the end of the episode.
Wretched Hive: Callisto, a moon of Jupiter, is so run down that most of the male citizens can go months without seeing a woman. The Asteroids also seem to comprise a lot of the leftovers of human society.
Writers Cannot Do Math: More than likely a case of the artists/writers not being overly familiar with the imperial system, but Abdul Hakim's mugshot says he's 6'2", and for this to be true, everyone else would have to be in the 4-5 foot range. Hakim's head nearly touches the ceiling in many shots, he has to duck to get through doors, he towers over the noticeably lanky Spike, etc.
Yakuza: Spike typifies the classic "noble yakuza" protagonist, while Vicious is an equally classic example of the "nihilist yakuza" villain.
Younger Than They Look: Jet is often told he doesn't look thirty-six.
Zeerust: In-universe example. Faye mistakes a thermometer for a cell phone because it looks like it has an antenna. When was the last time you saw a phone with an antenna?
And the rest of the technology in the show, which is as a whole (intentionally) clunky and boxy.
A group of Anons can be one Anon or a legion of Anons. Every individual or group can have their own AnonOps, #op or sometimes share interests. Or not. Some seem to be driven by being tricksters, some others by political causes. Some are just bystanders seeking lulz. Nowhere in Anons ideal is stipulated that Anon must stand together or even like other Anons. In fact claiming own entities, fractal chaos and diversity is right in the line with the original hackers from MIT in '50s, '60s, '70s and the modern day start of Internet anno 1993/1994. Just accept the differences or move on to your own IRC.
A type of fraud or theft that occurs when an ATM (Bankomat in Swedish) is compromised with a skimming device. A card reader that can be disguised to look like a part of the machine. The card reader collects victims' account information and a spy camera collects the personal identification numbers (PIN).
Computer programmers often build back-doors into software applications so they can fix bugs. If hackers learn about a back-door, the feature may pose a security risk. Then a hacker can through a back-door bypasse logins and passwords. Malware are often design to exploit back-doors (see Malware).
Hackers can use OS natural ports for communication as exploits, for example ports used to netmeeting. These ports can be open without you using netmeeting. Also ports for e.g. DNS can be used. The idea can be redirect your computer. A hacker can also use weak spots in softwear by sending in e g a trojan. The trojan trick the system with its dropload and install its payload with different orders for e g "install yourself as an exe file, put the AV off, shut all updates off, create a back door, contact Master for new instructions" (but written in e g Python).
Hacker can protect the back-door from other hackers with differnt methods. One method used is cryptography. The last thing a hacker want is that an other hacker make a hostile takeover. E g a black hat can make good money through a hostile takeover of e g a whole network of hacked computers, i e zombies.
Short for "robot," a computer that has been infected with malicious software without the user's knowledge. Once the computer has been affected, a cyber criminal can send commands to it and other infected machines over the Internet. The computer is under control of a third part. 041b061a72