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Peter Mironov
Peter Mironov

Edit Hard Disk Serial Number With Vmware NEW!

For years I've been using the drive serial number to map virtualized guest disks to the hyper-visor disk. VMWare ESXi for instance will set the disk serial number to the UUID of the disk - allows for easy mapping.

Edit Hard Disk Serial Number With Vmware

Go to virtual machine configuration > Hardware > Boot Order > Advanced settings > in Boot flags field paste the flag below alongside with a new serial number next:

NVM Express or NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory) controller is a controller designed to work with SSD storage. The NVMe protocol is adopted for non-magnetic disks to provide the best performance and multi-queue communication. The NVMe protocol is supported in VMware vSphere and you can add the NVMe storage controller in VM configuration. The maximum number of queues is 65535 and the maximum queue depth is 64000.

A hard disk will be assigned with a new disk serial number whenever you format a hard drive. This serial number is used by software programs installed on the computer to identify the disk driver and prevent multiple activations of the same software on other computers.

However, the serial number is created during the format. That means you have to reformat the hard drive to change its serial number. And formatting will delete everything on the disk. Then, you can use "Hard Disk Serial Number Changer", a program that allows you to change the hard disk serial number without reformatting it.

This software is more compatible than Hard Disk Serial Number, and it supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 11/10/8/7 and Windows XP/Vista. More importantly, it can change FAT32, NTFS, and exFAT volume serial number without reformatting the hard drive again.

The Volume Serial Number (also known as VSN) is a unique serial number that is assigned to an optical disk (CD or DVD) or a hard drive after formatting. The Volume Serial Number was added by Microsoft and IBM so that the operating system could recognize if an optical disk or a drive is changed on the system. By that time the only way to determine this, was the volume label (Volume Name) that the user defined to each storage disk. But that way, there was a problem if a user gave the same (Volume) name to two (or more) disks. To bypass this problem, Microsoft and IBM decided to assign a new unique number in hexadecimal form (called 'Volume Serial Number' or 'Volume ID' or 'VSN') when a drive (optical disk or hard drive) was formatted.

Taking advantage of VSN, some software vendors use the Volume Serial Number to avoid pirate copying of their products. This means that software from these vendors can not run if the Volume Serial Number is different from the VSN of the product's original optical disk that was shipped or of the hard drive that the software was first installed. Also this technique was previously used by multiplayer game vendors to ban the gamers that tried to cheat. Nowadays, this method is useless because the game or software vendors now use the hardcoded serial number (HDD Manufacture's S/N that is embedded into the firmware) to identify (ban) cheaters or they ban the CD key.

Oh this is incredibly kind guide I have ever found today. Thank you so much.But unfortunately, this doesn't work for the number of the Sandisk I have.. I think it is the product issue.. because the micro SD which is from Samsung works fine with both ways(volumeID and Hard Disk Serial Number Changer).

It would be better to point out that the volume serial number is a general identifyer for all volumes, not only for a disk and that what you are talking about here, is only the volume serial number of the first volume (partition) of a disk.

Thank you for listing the recent addition to diskpart. I use the tool as part of my job and had never played with that feature. Unfortunately I think that is a different ID than what people here are talking about. If you type 'vol c:' at a command prompt you will see a Serial number that is unrelated to the uniqueid. One of the giveaways is that each partition has an ID, but uniqueid only deals with a disk (that may contain several partitions). I believe the number being discussed here lives in the VBR.

Note that "list disk" actually lists the physical disks, and not the partitions that you may have assigned drive letters. This means that if you have 2 physical disks, with 3 partitions on each, so that you have drives C:, D:, E:, F:, G: and H:, "list disk" will only show "Disk 0" and "Disk 1".5) Type "select disk x" (without the quotes) where x is the number of the disk from your "list disk" display.6) When you type (say) "select disk 1", DiskPart will respond by telling you "Disk 1 is now the selected disk".7) Type "uniqueid disk". DiskPart will respond with the disk's signature, a series of hexadecimal digits8) Type "uniqueid disk ID=[NEW SIGNATURE]" where "[NEW SIGNATURE]" stands for the new identifier you want for the disk9) Quit DiskPart by typing "exit".10) Type "exit" again to quit the Administrator Command Prompt.

If multiple virtual disks with different SCSI controllers are configured on a virtual machine (you can add up to 4 SCSI controllers with 16 disks each to a virtual machine), it is quite challenging to find a SCSI device number manually. Also please note that SCSI controller numbers in Windows and VMWare may differ.

When creating a new virtual machine using VMware Player, choose "Windows XP Professional" as the operating system (OS). This causes the creation of an IDE hard disk drive which works with ReactOS. Choosing "Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition" (which is the ReactOS target OS) causes VMware to create a SCSI hard disk drive which produces a "Setup could not find a harddisk." error.

After a short time, the cloned virtual machine appears in the Virtual Machines tab in the navigation pane with a status of Image Locked. The virtual machine remains in this state until oVirt completes the creation of the virtual machine. A virtual machine with a preallocated 20 GB hard drive takes about fifteen minutes to create. Sparsely-allocated virtual disks take less time to create than do preallocated virtual disks.

The virtual machine appears with an Image Locked status while it is exported. Depending on the size of your virtual machine hard disk images, and your storage hardware, this can take up to an hour. Click the Events tab to view progress. When complete, the virtual machine has been exported to the data domain and appears in the list of virtual machines.

Virtual Size - The total amount of disk space that a virtual machine based on the template can use. This value cannot be edited, and is provided for reference only. This value corresponds with the size, in GB, that was specified when the disk was created or edited.

You can import or restore the VM. Importing a VM creates a new instance of the VM with unique hardware IDs. Restoring a VM creates an identical VM with the same hardware IDs (SMBIOS UUID, system serial number, and MAC addresses, if provided in the VM image) that your guest operating system and applications may require for software licensing. To prevent conflicts with the original VM, restore a VM only if you want to transfer it to the everRun system and stop using it on the source system.

The Mac OS X installer expects the hard disk to be partitioned. So, the installer will not offer a partition selection to you. Before you can install the software successfully, start the Disk Utility from the Tools menu and partition the hard disk. Close the Disk Utility and proceed with the installation.

Be careful with USB devices that are currently in use on the host. For example, if you allow your guest to connect to your USB hard disk that is currently mounted on the host, when the guest is activated, it will be disconnected from the host without a proper shutdown. This may cause data loss.

Clicking on the + button to the right of the USB Device Filters window creates a new filter. You can give the filter a name, for later reference, and specify the filter criteria. The more criteria you specify, the more precisely devices will be selected. For instance, if you specify only a vendor ID of 046d, all devices produced by Logitech will be available to the guest. If you fill in all fields, on the other hand, the filter will only apply to a particular device model from a particular vendor, and not even to other devices of the same type with a different revision and serial number.

Intune needs to know the VM's hardware model and serial number to recognize and enroll it as a device. If you try to enroll a VM without providing those details, enrollment fails. This section provides more information about how to satisfy this requirement before enrollment.

Modify the VM's configuration settings to add or change a VM serial number and hardware model identifier. Enter any string of alphanumeric characters for the serial number. For hardware model, we recommend using the model of the device that's running the VM. To find your Mac's hardware model, select the Apple menu and go to About This Mac > System Report > Model Identifier.

Enter any string of alphanumeric characters for the serial number. For hardware model, we recommend using the model of the device that's running the VM. To find your Mac's hardware model, select the Apple menu and go to About This Mac > System Report > Model Identifier.

No changes are required for virtual machines running on Apple Silicon hardware. Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion are supported on Macs with Apple Silicon, so if you set up a VM this way, you don't need to modify the hardware model ID or serial number.

VMware Workstation provides the possibility to remotely manage Shared VMs through the vmware-workstation-server service. However, this will fail with the error "incorrect username/password" due to incorrect PAM configuration of the vmware-authd service. To fix it, edit /etc/pam.d/vmware-authd like this:


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